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Body massage oil Verana Professional, Coconut 1 liter

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Body massage oil Verana Professional, Coconut 1 liter
Kood: 62284
Maht 1000 ml
Liik Massaažiõli
Tüüp Toitev kehaõli
Garantii 2 aastat

Body massage oil Verana Professional «Coconut» is designed for effective body care, as well as for various types and techniques of massage and SPA body treatments.

The unique component of massage oil is 100% natural coconut oil.

Coconut oil is unique in its composition, it contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, H and PP, as well as minerals and trace elements useful for humans.

Coconut oil:

  • effectively restores firmness and elasticity of the skin
  • helps to slow down the aging process of skin cells
  • promotes skin rejuvenation
  • smoothes the skin
  • helps to reduce fine wrinkles
  • helps to slow down the appearance of new wrinkles
  • promotes collagen formation
  • helps prevent stretch marks
  • improves overall skin tone
  • has antioxidant and antiseptic properties
  • helps to eliminate dry skin
  • improves the general condition of the skin
  • nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements
  • makes the skin soft, smooth and elastic

In addition to Coconut oil, massage oil contains: Grape seed oil, Rapeseed oil, Olive oil, Castor oil, Almond oil.

 Grape seed oil contains trace elements that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin:

  • promotes skin rejuvenation
  • helps to slow down the aging process of the skin
  • effectively moisturizes the skin
  • has anti-inflammatory properties
  • promotes rapid skin regeneration
  • increases skin elasticity
  • improves the general condition of the skin

 Rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E, which is called the vitamin of youth

  • helps to slow down the aging process of the skin
  • improves skin elasticity
  • promotes natural regeneration of skin cells
  • moisturizes the skin
  • helps to restore water balance
  • increases skin elasticity

 Olive oil contains high amounts of squapen (a moisturizing ingredient)

  • perfectly moisturizes the skin
  • nourishes and softens the skin
  • promotes skin rejuvenation
  • has antibacterial properties
  • helps to reduce fine wrinkles
  • improves the general condition of the skin

 Castor oil contains a large amount of ricinoleic acid, which has a good emollient effect

  • nourishes and softens the skin
  • promotes rapid skin regeneration
  • increases skin elasticity
  • helps to slow down the aging process of the skin
  • helps to reduce fine wrinkles
  • improves the general condition of the skin

 Almond oil contains vitamins A, E and F, essential for the skin, in large quantities, which makes it a universal skin care product.

  • effectively moisturizes the skin
  • helps to reduce fine wrinkles
  • helps to restore the structure of the skin
  • promotes rapid cell regeneration
  • improves skin tone and elasticity
  • makes the skin smooth and taut

During the massage procedure, body oil «Coconut» helps to restore firmness and elasticity of the skin, helps to rejuvenate the skin and reduce fine wrinkles, and helps to slow down the processes of skin aging. During the massage, the oil improves the overall tone of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks, nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements, and makes the skin soft, smooth and elastic.

The sweetish aroma of Coconut has a positive effect on our mood, calms the nervous system, gives joy and positive emotions.

Recommended for anti-aging and regenerating massage.

Average consumption of massage oil is from 20 to 50 ml per one body massage session.

Store (+5°C / +25°C). Protect from sunlight and water.

Packaging: 20ml, 50ml, 1 liter and 5 liters.

Sageli kokku ostetud
Standard Electric Warmer Pad
Standard Electric Warmer Pad
Tüüp: Lina
Värv: Valge
Tükkide: 1 tk.
Massaaž õli soojendus koos pudeli
Massaaž õli soojendus koos pudeli
Maht: 250 ml
Liik: Soojendi+pudel
Case Oil + pudel (250 ml)
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Maht: 250 ml
Liik: Kott+pudel
Kolmekorruseline käru CH5051A
Kolmekorruseline käru CH5051A
Liik: Käru
Suurus: 49.5x35.5x86.5 cm
Kaal: 15 kg

Google Reviews Arvustused
4 months ago
Очень понравилось отношение к клиенту. Наступил гарантийный случай, везти товар из Даугавпилса назад мне было экономически не выгодно, но мог починить сам при наличии пары деталей. Созвонился, пошли навстречу, и через пару дней детали были у меня вместе с презентом. Очень приятно иметь с таким продавцом дело.
4 months ago
1, 2, 3!!! Un sūtījums saņemts! Jāiet tik uz ūdens izmēģināt. Uz ūdens izmēģināts! Ir tā vērts tas pirkums! Paldies par ātro reakciju/ izsūtīšanu/ precizējumu pa telefonu.
2 weeks ago
Sveiki Uzsakiau pripuciama dziaguzi ir berenkant pamaciau kad truksta virsutinio ceholo.susisiekus su morex vyrukai maloniai bendravo.problema išsprende susisieke su gamintoju ir nepilnai menesio laikotarpio cehola nemokamai atsiunte. BRAVO!!! TAIP DIRBA RIMTOS FIRMOS!!! ir didelis ACIU !!!
6 months ago
Спасибо очень доволен покупкой. Сначало заказал не тот товар девушка консультант все подробно объяснила как зделать возврат и посаветовала что мне нужно. Быстро зделали возврат денег. Ещё раз спасибо.
2 months ago
Покупала sup board, в наличии доски не оказалось,директор магазина лично связался, и предложил обмен на более лучшую модель. Проблема была решена в крочайшие сроки. Сейчас наслаждаюсь отличной моделью. Прислали в течении двух дней. Благодарю